Discover how to cultivate a personal mantra practice rooted in yoga and the Bhakti tradition. Learn to select your core mantra and integrate it into your daily routine for spiritual enrichment.
Whether it's a heated argument or a simmering irritation, the impact of unmanaged anger can be detrimental to relationships, work environments, and personal well-being.
Learn more about the all-important Vagus nerve and how you can unlock your body's natural relaxation response through singing and chanting.
Explore the profound impact of chanting mantras, particularly in the context of intention-setting mindfulness practices.
With chair yoga, many yoga poses can be modified, which can be an amazing solution to make yoga more accessible for every practitioner.
There are so many ways that yoga can improve the lives of children that more kids should be engaging in the practice regularly.
Yoga is a great way to improve your overall fitness. However, hot yoga’s use of heat can pose danger if you aren't careful or have certain health conditions.
Using mantras during yoga enables you to give your breath and body what it needs, reducing the chatter and turmoil of the mind.
The "yoga for men" community is growing every day, as more and more men are realizing the benefits of yoga and how it can improve their lives.
In this article, I'll list some of the best yoga poses for beginners to start with. I'll explain why each pose is great for beginners, and give alignment tips to help you perfect your form.